Jesus Christ Lizard II

by Rebecca Herranen
Jesus Christ Lizard II
Rebecca Herranen
Photograph - Photography
He can walk on water, that is the reason for his name, the Jesus Christ Lizard. Their back feet are webbed and when threatened they can stand up and run across water to escape. This beautiful male who was wearing his finest colors of the breeding season didn't feel particularly threatened or maybe he thought we couldn't see him. Nevertheless we didn't get to close and he let us take his picture.
Notice the detail in his scales on his front let. You can even see the algae growing on him. He is covered in tiny duckweed leaves too. Duckweed is what you see giving off the green background. Duckweed grows on the surface of the marsh and swamp water, very nutritious plant for birds and reptiles.
There is a second picture around here somewhere, similar but different. That one he is looking straight ahead, ignoring us. This one, he is definitely watching us.
June 1st, 2021
Comments (173)

Dylyce Clarke
Very nice image and capture. I voted for this in the WHEN GOD MADE CREEPING THINGS contest. FV

Angela Davies
What an amazing close up, pose and details, wow, love the intelligence in the eyes, LF

Pat Goltz
Fascinating information. A very fine portrait of this interesting lizard! We get duckweed on our ponds in Arizona in summer.

Dale Kincaid
Congratulations! Your fantastic art has been chosen as an ANIMAL MANIA Group feature! You are invited to post your work in the feature archive discussion.