Saguaro Cactus Blossoms with Thresher Bird

by Rebecca Herranen
Saguaro Cactus Blossoms with Thresher Bird
Rebecca Herranen
Photograph - Photography
The scientific name for the iconic Saguaro Cactus is Carnegiea gigantea is a symbol of the desert landscape in the Southwest United States. Typical for a Saguaro Cactus to grow 40 feet tall and live for 150 years, but there are are reports of cactus over 70 feet tall and living potentially 300 years.
One of those most captivating features of the Saguaro are its beautiful white blossoms that crown the cactus and bloom in late Spring and early Summer. An interesting aspect of these 3 inch flowers is that they bloom at night and close by the middle of the day. The flowers have a sweet fragrance attracting bats, bees and birds, like this Thresher.
These beautiful cactus are a testament to the ability to adapt in the arid and often harsh, hot climate.
June 1st, 2023
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Luther Fine Art
Congratulations ! Your wonderful art has been featured on the home page of the ABC Group from our U themed week: U is for UPON, August 26, 2024 - September 2, 2024.

Deb Beausoleil
Outstanding! Your world-class artwork was showcased on the Gallery of Masters group homepage on June 10, 2024! Please consider posting it in the FEATURED Art - JUNE 2024 discussion thread for archiving and preservation. L/F

Deb Beausoleil
Congratulations! Your excellent artwork has been featured on the homepage of the Hotel and Hospitality Interiors Fine Art group! *****You're invited to archive this to the FEATURED Art - APRIL 2024 thread and one of the other APRIL 2024 feature threads. Choose the thread for the hospitality interior that would benefit the most from your art featured on April 15, 2024! *****