White Sands, New Mexico

by Rebecca Herranen
White Sands, New Mexico
Rebecca Herranen
Photograph - Photography
White Sands National Monument is known for its unusual landscape, rare white gypsum sand dunes. The glistening white sand is a natural wonder and stretches for 275 square miles. I can promise you will never forget the white sands dunes once you visit them.
October 22nd, 2020
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Comments (48)

Denise Harty
Congratulations on your feature in the Showcasing The South And Mid-Atlantic group! L/F

Jenny Revitz Soper
BRAVO! Your artwork has earned a FEATURE on the homepage of the FAA Artist Group No Place Like Home, 2/26/2022! You may also post it in the Group's Features discussion thread and any other thread that fits!

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your terrific art has been featured on the ABC Group home page from the S IS FOR STRIPES - JUNE 27, 2022 - JULY 4,, 2022 . You are invited to add your wonderful art in the Features Archive Discussion in the ABC GROUP as a way to preserve your feature.

Steven Bateson
The New Mexico Land of Enchantment Group is honored that you chose to submit your work to the group and we are proud to feature your magnificent image on the Homepage in the Featured Images.

Linda MacFarland
Congratulations your photograph has been featured in the FAA Group the Simply White Gallery. You are invited to post your featured image in the discussion thread, The Best of the Simply White Gallery 2021 Featured Archives. Thank you.

Bentley Davis
Congratulations! I have selected this piece to be featured in the Nature's Patterns and Designs group.

Mary Grden
I try to view peaceful art on Sunday, and by random I joined this thread and I am in "awe", of your "great works." I might be here awhile. So Wonderful!!
Rebecca Herranen replied:
Thanks Mary, I appreciate such a thoughtful comment. What a nice way to spend your Sunday.