Mating Leopard Pair One

by Rebecca Herranen
Mating Leopard Pair One
Rebecca Herranen
Photograph - Photography
A sighting of mating leopards is such a rare occurrence, that even our guide had never seen it. He grabbed his camera and started shooting too! Life in Africa is rough and this was certainly rough. The female had a torn ear from a previous encounter and the male was just torn up. He even had a blind eye that looked really bad.
The female had a cub that she had left in a tree elsewhere. The mating ritual can go on for about 24 hours and someone else had seen a hyena hanging out below the tree the cub was in.
This shot was not captured with a zoom, this leopard couple was about 15 feet away, on the other side of the single land dirt road. They were not interested in us at all. Lots of growling, teeth baring and biting going on. 24 hours....can you imagine that.
Captured on the open boarder of Kruger National Park in South Africa along the Sabi Sands River, the life blood of the wilderness.
November 27th, 2021
Comments (184)

Alex Mir
Congratulations, Rebecca! Your outstanding photo is now featured in the 100 Favorite group! Fav